Sjöström Lab Photo Nov 2024: Back row - Jesper, Meghan, Sabine, and Haley. Middle row - Christina, Shawniya, Airi, Connie, and Aidan. Elia is behind Hovy. — from the lab in Montreal.
Sjöström Lab Photo Aug 2024: Left to right - Connie, Élia, Sabine, Linn, Haley, Christina, Airi, Tal, Jennifer, Nada, Hovy, and Jesper — celebrating Hovy's new position in Hong Kong as well as Christina and Amanda's successful PhD defences.
Sjöström Lab Photo Oct 2023: Left to right - Linn, Shawniya, Connie, Jesper, Airi, Hovy, Haley, Sabine, Christina, Tal, and James — from Liuyishou Hotpot celebration of Hovy's big paper.
Sjöström Lab Photo May 2023: Left to right - Connie, Shawnia, Sabine, Hovy, Christina, Aurore, Airi, Haley, Jesper — from CAN 2023 meeting in Montreal, at Koa Lua Poké.
Sjöström Lab Photo Dec 2022: Taking a bottom-up approach - Jesper, Haley, Sabine, Christina, Shawniya, Amanda, Airi, Hovy — from the BRAIN Holiday Party, McGill Faculty Club.
Sjöström Lab Photo May 2022: Left to right - Jesper, Christina, Amanda, Hovy, Sabine, Airi, and Aurore with honorary lab members Romain and Jehane — from CAN 2022 meeting in Toronto.
Sjöström Lab March 2022: Jesper, Prof. Alanna Watt, Airi, Franziska (Suvrathan lab), Christina, Amanda, Olivier, Hovy, Prof. David Stellwagen, and Prof. Aparna Suvrathan — at McGill's Thompson House Montreal, Canada.
Sjöström Lab April 2020: Top row - Airi, Jesper, Amanda, Sabine; Middle row - Hovy, Libin, Maria, Aurore; Bottom row - Hannah, Vicki, Christina, Nicole — from Zoom Lab Meeting during COVID-19 pandemic.
Sjöström Lab September 2019: Front to back and left to right, Wouter, Hovy, Jesper, Aurore, Elvis, Amanda, Airi, Vicki, Christina — at McGill's Thompson House Montreal, Canada.
Sjöström Lab September 2018: Top row, Jesper, Airi, Jennifer, Libin; Bottom row, Christina, Elvis, Amanda, Hovy — on Mount Royal in Montreal, Canada.
Sjöström Lab January 2017: Alastair, Jennifer, Christina, Amanda, Jesper, and Elvis — Montreal, Canada.
Sjöström Lab May 2014: Therese, Julia, Txomin, Arne, Jesper, Elvis, and Rui — East Meon, England.
Sjöström Lab April 2013: Txomin, Elena, Jesper, Elvis, and Therese — Montreal, Canada.
Sjöström Lab April 2013: Therese, Jesper, Txomin, Elena, and Elvis — Montreal, Canada.
Sjöström Lab Summer 2009: Dale, Jesper, Kate, Mic, and Adam — London, England.
Sjöström Lab Summer 2010: Rui, Julia, Jesper, Alex, Kate, and Arne — London, England.