Quadruple Whole-Cell Recordings
Cortical microcircuits are full of entirely different types of cells that are located right next to each other. It is therefore crucial to know the precise identity of recorded neurons, so we record from monosynaptically connected pairs of cells. Unfortunately, connectivity rates are only 10-20%, so it is painstaking to find connected neurons. However, with quadruple simultaneous recordings, we circumvent this problem, since 12 possible connections are tested at once. With this very powerful recording approach, different cells can be filled with drugs or dyes to differentially manipulate or monitor the pre- and the postsynaptic cells (by Hovy Wong).
Two-Photon Laser-Scanning Microscopy
The brain is highly light scattering, making it hard to image small structures such as synaptic release sites deep down in neocortical tissue. Because of its excellent signal to noise, 2-photon laser-scanning microscopy circumvents this problem, but it is unfortunately very expensive. In the Sjöström Lab, we custom build our own 2-photon laser-scanning microscopes. This reduces cost dramatically, enabling us to afford several 2-photon imaging rigs. Custom 2-photon microscopy furthermore adds experimental flexibility, and provides an excellent training opportunity for members of the lab (by Kate Buchanan).
Computer modeling
To maximize the impact of available data, to test hypotheses, and to extrapolate from available findings, the Sjöström team relies on data-driven computer modelling. Some of this theoretical work is carried out in-house. Some is carried out in collaboration with expert theoreticians, such as this multicompartmental computer model (with Robert Legenstein Lab, TU Graz).
By targetting the light-sensitive ion channel ChroME to genetically defined subsets of neurons, we can drive specific activity patterns with laser light to explore synaptic plasticity and microcircuit structure (by Connor O'Donnell).
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